Find out what plagues us women the most, in terms of women's health fitness. Most women are anxious of breast cancer, or ovarian cancer. But did you know that these diseases are not the most prevalent in women? Read on and discover what you should watch out for, as a woman.
Here are the top risks in women's health:
Cardiovascular Disease is the single most common cause of deaths in women, than any other type of cancer - or all of them combined. It's a revelatation, a shocking fact, that more women die of heart disease than men.
Nope it's not breast cancer, or ovarian cancer as most women think are the notorious types that endanger women's health. It's in fact - lung cancer. Breast cancer comes only second. With lung cancer on the other hand, It's estimated that more than 70,000 women in the United States die of lung cancer each year, with the majority of these deaths linked to cigarette smoking.
Bronchitis and Emphysema are examples of chronic lung disorders that comprise the COPD group. The main cause of COPD in women is smoking - the leading cause of lung cancer, as well. Now you know why lung cancer is most prevalent in women. When COPD overcomes women, oxygen and/or a mechanical machine would be required in order for women to continue with their lives characterized by limited activities and shortness of breath.
More women than men have Alzheimer's. In fact, approximately 45,000 women die of Alzheimer's disease each year — more than twice the number of men. One reason more women may be affected is that women generally live longer, and the risk of Alzheimer's increases with age. With Alzheimer's in women, what may start as slight memory loss and confusion eventually leads to irreversible mental impairment.
The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes, generally developing after age 40, can often be prevented. Diabtes is a serious health condition that affects about 18 million Americans, 5 million of whom are unaware that they have the disease. It can cause blindness, kidney failure and severe nerve damage. People with diabetes are also two to four times more likely to die of heart disease and experience stroke.
With more information on women's health fitness, and the causes of the top health risks in women, we can better protect and nurture not only ourselves, but the people we care about in the life.