Sunday, October 21, 2007

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is the breast cancer awareness month. Take a look at this list of signs and symptoms which can tell if you have the disease:

Retraction or indention of the nipple

Redness or pitting of the skin over the breast, like the skin of an orange

Abnormal discharge from the nipple

Change in breast size or shape

Some statistics on breast cancer are:
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women.

  • About 70% of all breast cancer cases are discovered by the patient herself or by her partner.

  • Nine out of 10 women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease.

  • About one in 11 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during her lifetime.

  • Age is the biggest risk factor in developing breast cancer: More than 70 percent of cases occur in women over age 50.

  • Women aged 50 to 69 who have a breast screen every two years can reduce their chances of dying from breast cancer by at least 30 percent.

Knowing about the signs and facts about breast cancer can help you prevent the disease, and help your fellow women as well. Regular breast check up is also a must. As the saying goes, prevention is still better than cure.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Preventing Stress Eating in the Workplace

For working women, food can sometimes be the comforting buddy when one is stressed in the office. That is why women typing on their desktops, while munching on chips or cookies, or chocolates, or donuts (the fatty ones!) - are a common sight in the workplace. And does this make one fat?
Absolutely yes.

Studies show that eating due to stress can actually make one eat more. When there is a level of anxiety, the adrenalin push lets you do bolder actions, hence eating more heavily.

How can women prevent falling prey to this "stress-eating" drama? Check out our tips:
  • Have a healthy lunch and breakfast just in the right amount. This will make you feel full in the stomach and should have conquered your appetite to eat more.

  • Drink water instead of popping that bag of chips next to you. Drinking water relaxes and rejuvenates the senses.
  • Pause for 5-10 minutes and try walking around or closing your eyes to relieve stress. Slowing down once in a while puts one in the right perspective (instead of overeating!)
  • Get some air. Yup! You can go out, or open the windows to catch some fresh air. Oxygen fuels your blood, thus recharging your body systems.
  • If you really can't help but eat, prepare a healthy snack in the morning before you go to the office. Make sure you pack them into portions so that when you feel like eating due to stress, you won't gobble up the whole thing. Sandwiches with lettuce, ham, and tomatoes (skip the mayo!), cut into quarters then packed individually are good for you.
  • You can also replace thos junk foods with fruits, cereals, nuts, energy bars, or foods with plant components.